Anpanman (character) Anpanman (アンパンマン) is the main protagonist of Anpanman, and he is the character the show is named after His head is made of anpan, which is Japanese bread filled with sweet anko His enemy and the main antagonist of the show, Baikinman, was born on the same day as him His gender is male male Download アンパンマン 壁紙きせかえ apk 60 for Android Popular anime "Anpanman" the official free Kisekae theme Wallpaper and icons, such as the home screen Let whole varied clothed Anpanman!アンパンマン公式ポータルサイト。アンパンマンの最新情報、作者やなせたかしの紹介、テレビ・映画の情報、かべがみ、しゃしん投稿など盛りだくさん!! 映画『ふわふわフワリーと雲の国』大ヒット上映中♪クイズに答えてプレゼントを当てよう! アンパンマンやなかまたちと
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